Flame Detector Certification (L3 - 1 day)
Registration is limited to contracted Honeywell Analytics distributors only.??? (Channel partners, safety supervisors, service leads)
These advanced courses cover Installation, Commissioning, and Troubleshooting Fixed Gas/Flame Detectors and Controllers.
Class schedule runs from 8:30am to 4:00pm each day. When booking flights, please allow for travel time between training location and airport. Sessions are limited to a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 9 students.
Lunch included each day???
Products Covered: FS24X Plus Multi-Spectrum Triple IR, FS20X UF/Dual IR/ FS10-R Dual IR, FS7 Dual IR, FSL100 UV, UV/ IR, 3IR
Attire: Business Casual (no short pants, no open toed footwear)
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