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High Tech Product Overview Training

Honeywell Analytics High Tech

  • $1,73700

 This is a custom course tailored to your company's needs please see below for product training content that can be covered in any combination that works for your requirements. 

High Tech Custom Training Request Form 

The High-Tech Product Overview training course provides a comprehensive look at our industry leading High-Tech products. Students will learn operations & use, basic configuration, setup, calibration and maintenance items for each of the products.

Products Covered:

  • Vertex & Vertex-M (1.5 days)
  • Vertex Edge (1.5 Days)
  • SPM Flex (1/2 Day)
  • ACM-150 G1 or G2 FTIR Cenralized Gas Monitoring System(1.5 Days)
  • Midas & Midas-M (1/2 Day)

The course content can be any combination of the above products based on the customers operational requirements.

Don't see exactly what you need...Please fill out the attached form and email it to:  in order to get a quote and schedule training.

High Tech Custom Training Request Form 

(Click the above Link to complete a custom training request)


Note: Course price of $985.00 is per day/per student. Number of days will be determined based on the equipment selected in training request form.

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